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[Facts] Calliope (general meaning or origins)?
Hi! Can anyone share the general menaing or origin of Calliope? How about a general consensus of what this name brings to mind, images, feelings, etc...
thanks ;)
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For the meaningClick on the name: CalliopeFor opinions on the name, go to the opinons board:
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It's the name of one of the Greek muses. I think she's the muse of epic poetry (as opposed to other types of poetry.) It is supposed to mean "beautiful voice" (kalli- is used in compounds to mean 'beautiful' and ope is actually a related word to "open" in English, referring to where the voice comes out of. A more literal and also more awkward translation might be "Pretty Throat" or even "Pretty Mouth.")Calliope makes me think of either the muse or the instrument.
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thanks much ;)
that helps alot
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