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[Surname] LAUNDE alias PALLANT
Many of the Suffolk early (1600s) entries for PALLANT are listed as 'LAUNDE alias PALLANT' and yet I can find no LAUNDE surnames but many PALLANTs in more recent years. Does anyone have an explanation for this alias name?
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Interesting. Launde probably derives from a place in Leicestershire of that name. The meaning is simply "land". It could have been changed to Land or Lawn or Lound, thus accounting for its disappearance. Needless to say I'm just guessing here.
Pallant is also from a place name: in this case "the south-eastern quarter of the city of Chichester" (Reaney and Wilson). Apparently the rents from this land were the perquisite of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and episcopal lands are often called "palatine", something to do with Bishops living in palaces and having courts, etc. All to do with the feudal system, which I've never got the hang of.
You sometimes come across families with two surnames in old records, I'm not sure what the reason was. There was a family in my home town in the 16th century called "Bell alias Burnett", or "Burnett alias Bell". I don't know why they couldn't make their minds up and save people trouble.
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