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[Facts] Can anyone find information on these names? Help!!
Simmie - a family name that I belive to be of english originValancy - the lead character from The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. Did she just make this up or does it actually exist?
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The Blue Castle is my favourite book!=) The only information I've found on the name Valancy is that there was a Canadian poet, Isabella Valancy Crawford in the 19th century. I think her family might have been Scottish. It's possible that LMM was familiar with her work.If anyone has more information, I'd love to know! How do you pronounce it? I think of it as similar to Valencia, but I've also heard it pronounced more like the window treatment. =)
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Simmie is a nn for Simone, but it's also a Hutterite village in Saskantchewan!Valancy is a real name. It possibly means "from Valencia, from the land of the brave".
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