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[Facts] Please help!
I'm sorry if I am posting this message twice, but I don't think I posted it in the write place. I was just reading some of the comments in the baby section, so I might have accidently posted my question there. Well, here is my question:I would like to know about the name 'Zorro'. I heard this name from the TV show, and I think it sounds really unique! I tried looking it up on this web-site, but it says nothing about it. I thought it could be the male version of the name 'Zora', but I'm not sure about it. If anyone has any information about the meaning or history of this name, please respond to my message. Thank you so much!
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Gender: Female
Meaning: Dawn
Origin: Slavic
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It's Spanish for "fox"! Yeah, cool name--like Fox/Sorro Mulder. :-)
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