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[Facts] sister who is stressed
My brother has quite an odd name. He is quite angry because he nver sees his name on stuffed bears, pencils or whatever. I would like to give him a knowledge of his name and asure him that his name is alright and that other people have that name also. His name is Katlin. Please help me.
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My 13 year old son is also named Catalin,(pronounced cat'-lin) I did it, as I have one son named Lance,
the second is Merlin and I wanted another unusual Irish name, and
I found it in a book of names. Cat loves his name, and cats, too.
Please tell Katlin to write to us!
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Well there are mail order firms that will put any name you like on almost anything from pencils to towels maybe your family could look one up and get a few things for him
i personally have never heard of this name for a boy but my baby book lists a similar name Catalin i am not sure if the meaning is correct though as the book has been unrelible in the past it says -Catalin irish legend, the magic name of a wizard
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hey! i would tell him that having a unique name isnt so bad. for instance i have the mn sloan.(imagine how hard that name is to find) tell him that having a unique name means that he could embrace(ok maybe not that term but..) his uniquness. i used to hate my name but then realized that having a unique name isnt so bad. personally i like his name i think it is interesting.
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