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[Facts] Elvish (Tolkien´s language)
JRR Tolkien has a marvelous language spoken by the elves in his books about middle earth, which has millions of years of history. As a consecuence there are lots of names appearing in them that have a logical meaning due to the elvish vocabulary, made by Tolkien.
As a language of middle earth we have quenya and sindarin for the elves, dwarves´ language, dark language for mordor... there is such a variety that this fantastic web must not ignore!!!!!
Best wishes, Annali
P.S.-please scuse my english bcause i'm not an english speaker.
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Mae Govannen ar namaarie, elen sila lumenn omentielvo. Uuye seere indoninya. Meldale, Isilwen, vanimaier. Isilwen, melda meluva uun luume.
somebody tell me where i can figure out what this sayz, please.
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Well...(m)Here's a couple lists from my websites that include all the female names I could find in the whole Tolkien cycle (if you know of more that aren't included in this list, please email me), as well as male names, although the male list isn't complete. I include any meanings I can find, but some I haven't decoded yet. this helps
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Hi, Annali!
This has been talked about before, here. I personally would love to have Tolkien names, but Mike C., the creator of this site, says that he will only include the names like Arwen and Legolas that are used by real people today.
But did you know, in the back of the Silmarillion, there is an appendix that gives elements (like prefixes, suffixes, & roots) of Elvish names. So you can put together your own names, with a meaning you like.Yahalome :) (Sindarin name Sulfea)P.S.: Your grammar could be improved, but you have a good vocabulary, better than most non-English speakers on this board. :)
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But maybe Mike C can include elvish names in the random name generator
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Oooh! Do, Mike! Please?You could use the name elements, and/or the names from the name index, and include meanings.
Y :) (Sulfea)
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