[Facts] How long before . . .
someone names a girl K8lyn?
My guess is only a year or two, if it hasn't happened already!
My guess is only a year or two, if it hasn't happened already!
In an old Peanuts strip, Charlie Brown meets a little boy whose name is a string of numbers, like an ID. He explains that his dad believes that this is the way the world is going, so he got in first. Charlie Brown politely asks if there are any other children in the family: yes, there are two sisters, whose names are also strings of numbers. Desperately, CB says: Those are nice, feminine names. Their brother smiles proudly and says: We think so!
When I was researching about changing my name, I discovered that it is illegal to change your name to something consisting of a number. Does that mean that it is illegal to put numbers in the child's name on a birth certificate? Just wondering.
Hmmm . . . not sure. I didn't know that it's illegal to change your name to something with a number in it.
Maybe THAT'S why there aren't any K8-Lynns or N8s.
Maybe THAT'S why there aren't any K8-Lynns or N8s.
Now you have mentioned it probably tomorrow lol
LOL! Or "K8leigh"
Closely followed by R2-D2 for a boy...
I know a K'leigh (I'm not kidding!)
My sister knows a K'la.
I think "666leigh" is sweet for a girl baby.