[Facts] Re: Isabeau
in reply to a message by Jalen
I asked this question a short while back and Jessica Bonner wrote
Isabeau is a very old varient of Isabelle she said there had also been a french queen with this name look in the alchives for APRIL
I like the name Isabeau myself
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Isabeau  ·  Jalen  ·  5/26/2003, 12:11 PM
Re: Isabeau (sidenote)  ·  ars musica  ·  5/27/2003, 1:24 PM
Re: Isabeau (sidenote)  ·  raindancing  ·  5/27/2003, 3:36 PM
Isabeau -- the high and lowly  ·  Nanaea  ·  5/27/2003, 8:15 PM
Re: Isabeau  ·  raindancing  ·  5/26/2003, 2:33 PM
I heard it was the French version of Isabel nt  ·  Miranda  ·  5/26/2003, 2:10 PM
Re: Isabeau  ·  JKD  ·  5/26/2003, 12:14 PM