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[Facts] mean of my name
I need to know if you know the mean of my name is hispanic.
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Hi, With the little bit of information you provided and what I know of Hispanic tendencies for adapted/adopted, creative spellings of foreign names, I can tell you that, for certain, your name has gotten no Hispanic roots, however, been made up in a Latin American country. The Y in Yohanny could have been replaced for a J, as in Spanish the Y simulates the same sound as a J, in English. This would lead to the name Johanny, which could be a variant of Johanna, Jovana or Giovana(see the resemblance of Johanny with the name Johnny??), all of these, female versions of John(Juan). So, in conclusion and in theory, your name would be an equivalent of Juana or Juanita(hence the y at the end, making it a pet form of the name)with a creative spelling of either of the different, known forms. I guess the only ones who could come up with a more accurate explanation of the meaning and origin of your name, would be your parents. I hope this helps a bit.
Muchas suerte!,
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I would be very grateful if you could tell me the etimology of my name Jovana and of the name Nikola.
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Some of the meanings are...Sanskrit-Jovanam-forewer young
Hebrew-feminine form of Giovanni-Gift from God
Roman-Feminine of Jovian derived from Jove who was the Roman mythological Jupiter and father of the sky.
this lead us to:
Biblical- feminine form of Jovan-Slavic name for St.John
(That is how you probably got the name ,considering your question about name Nikola which is biblical name too....)
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Just go to the home page and type in the names on the blank box and press "search" or click on the name's first letter of the alphabet on top. You will see what I mean when you go there...~Magia~
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YohannyHi Yohanny,your name looks very much like a form of Johannes.Regards, Satu
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It sounds purely invented to me... but I think it's a cool name
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