[Facts] The "e" sound in a name... is there a spiritual meaning to this sound?
I was asked if the "e" sound in names has a significant connection to any meaning. I have heard that all names of God contain the "Ah" sound.
does the "e" sound have any meaning?
does the "e" sound have any meaning?
Just remembering my recent Communication Studies class... weren't vowels made up by Greeks to help with sound?!?!
Believe what you will...
Believe what you will...
I believe you are thinking of names that come from Hebrew. The prefixes or suffixes El- and Yah mean God. For instance, Nathaniel comes from "Natan" meaning gift and "El" meaning god, and so means Gift of God. I don't know of any meaning for just "e" in any language, but I'm sure there is one somewhere.
That is very interesting, didnt know that!
It's there if you want it to be, like any form of spirituality.
As for names of God having an Ah sound - do you mean words in different languages that translate the English word: God? If so, a glance at your friendly local French dictionary, to name but one, should tidy that idea away quite briskly.
As for names of God having an Ah sound - do you mean words in different languages that translate the English word: God? If so, a glance at your friendly local French dictionary, to name but one, should tidy that idea away quite briskly.
I hope there is because my name is Chloe (kloo e)