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[Facts] Re: Site
in reply to a message by Rena
I've tried a couple of contentious names on this site; some just aren't listed, and the one I could get an answer for - Darryl - they gave the wrong meaning entirely.So unfortunate when that sort of thing happens - I always feel that a religious site, or indeed person, is in the same position as a woman driver - they have to do everything better than normal just to be seen as normal.Anyway, if you're fond of little tracts it seems to be an adequate enough site. For names, I would go elsewhere.
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I agree, I entered Reina and it said that it meant "joyous" and that Luke meant "knowledgeable" and Selena "heavenly."
Not too reliable, but the flowery name pictures were pretty. :)
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I agree...see my post also...:0
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