[Opinions] Gillian / Jillian
WDYTO Gillian / Jillian? Do you pronounce them differently?
I knew a Jillian in primary school and didn't like her very much, so that put me off the name for a while, but I'm beginning to like it. I pronounce Jillian with a soft /g/ (as in "job") and Gillian with a hard /g/ (as in "got"). I pronounce them differently partly because I find it more intuitive with the spelling, and also because of Gillian Welch (an awesome singer) who pronounces her name with a hard /g/.
~ Caitlín

?????????????? ~ Elspeth, Merry, Tomás, Kip, Ælfwine, Adán, Marit, Bran, Ester, Andrew, Isobel, Jeromiah Andrea, Annit Elisabetta, Josue Alejandro
I knew a Jillian in primary school and didn't like her very much, so that put me off the name for a while, but I'm beginning to like it. I pronounce Jillian with a soft /g/ (as in "job") and Gillian with a hard /g/ (as in "got"). I pronounce them differently partly because I find it more intuitive with the spelling, and also because of Gillian Welch (an awesome singer) who pronounces her name with a hard /g/.
~ Caitlín

?????????????? ~ Elspeth, Merry, Tomás, Kip, Ælfwine, Adán, Marit, Bran, Ester, Andrew, Isobel, Jeromiah Andrea, Annit Elisabetta, Josue Alejandro
My sis-in-law, who is due anytime now, is going with Jillian if she has a girl. I like it with either a G or a J, but always pronounced with a soft g.
I like them but they're too popular where I live (from women aged 40 downwards, I'd say). I pronounce them the same but I have met one Gillian who says her name with a hard "g". That might be from confusion with the male Scottish name Gillean/Gillian which is pr'd with a hard 'g'.
The closest thing I really like is Julian for a girl.
"He (David Gest) looks like he's had a lot of plastic surgery done, but not by a plastic surgeon."
Proud "mother" to !!s Dallán and Aubrianna
The closest thing I really like is Julian for a girl.
"He (David Gest) looks like he's had a lot of plastic surgery done, but not by a plastic surgeon."
Proud "mother" to !!s Dallán and Aubrianna
I pronounce both Gillian and Jillian the same way. I prefer the spelling Jillian, as I think it's just nicer looks (the G looks odd to me, for some reason). I also like Jill as a formal name.
-Lissa Hannah-
My twelve !'s = Kipling, Barry, Mortimer, Miles, Marmaduke, Fletcher, Maris, Blanche, Gladys, Arlette, Glenda, and Juniper
My ten ?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, and Gertrude
-Lissa Hannah-
My ten ?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, and Gertrude
I pronounce them both as JIL-ee-an and I prefer the spelling Gillian for some reason : )
CIARDA“The sun gives us light, but the moon provides inspiration. If you look at the sun without shielding your eyes, you'll go blind. If you look at the moon without shielding your eyes, you’ll become a poet.”
– Serge Bouchard –
– Serge Bouchard –
I prefer the original spelling (Gillian).
I think the name is very sweet and a definite plus it's not overused.
Do you pronounce them differently? No
I think the name is very sweet and a definite plus it's not overused.
Do you pronounce them differently? No
I love the name Jill by itself but i guess Jillian/Gillian is OKAY...I prn. them both with a soft "j" sound like you
I really, really like Gillian, but only pronunced with a hard G as in Gilligan. I think Gilly's a sweet nickname.
Jillian can go away and stay that way. I always think of one of the girls who had a "Vote Bush or Die" shirt on during the election--she got mad when I told her she misspelled "and" on her shirt. :)
I like Jill, but not Jillian. And Gillian (and Gilly) totally beats both.
Jillian can go away and stay that way. I always think of one of the girls who had a "Vote Bush or Die" shirt on during the election--she got mad when I told her she misspelled "and" on her shirt. :)
I like Jill, but not Jillian. And Gillian (and Gilly) totally beats both.