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[Facts] Desmond - alternative origins?
Desmond:- Whilst the BTN board lists a Gaelic origin, is there a different Celtic or Latin meaning? meaning something like man of the world/ society, can anyone confirm this or any other origins?
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Wow!! - are they reaaaaaally the meaning?Thanks, Guys, for your help as always
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Well, lists "from south Munster" as Desmond's meaning too (see: And they take their info from The Dictionary of American Family Names, which is published by the Oxford University Press... so, I think BtN's meaning is correct.I concur with Chrisell in that you could be confusing Desmond with Donald.EDIT: - one word which didn't make grammatical sense
"Six hours later I still haven't done my homework, but I did come up with 245 name combos, seven of which I might name my child." — Modified LJ icon quoteProud adopter of 15 punctuation marks.

This message was edited 4/27/2005, 8:41 PM

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Alternate meaning is "possessor of a barrow in the marketplace."
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*falls off chair laughing*
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
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And purchaser of suspiciously golden ring!
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You're not thinking of Donald, which means "ruler of the world"?
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.

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