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[Facts] Friend in need!
Hello. My friend is sixty years old, and he has Alzheimer's. I only know his name as 'Bob.' Nobody I've talked to knows what his parents named him. Can 'Bob' be short for more than one full name? He needs a full name to fill out forms. He lost his driver's liscence and birth certificate. We don't know where to find his records! Please ask anybody nearby or say yourself if you know if Bob is short for anything else than Robert.
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Have you got a surname for him? If so, maybe you could try one of those trace-your-family web sites? And the Latter-Day Saints are said to have the planet on their data base - might be worth a try. Run both Bob and Robert and see what you come up with. And thank you for being a good friend.
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It could conceivably be short for "Robin" or "Robinson", but there is no law that states it can't be a complete first name by itself. Why not use "Bob" on his forms until you discover his real name? Good luck....
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