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[Facts] how do u say?
hi, i have a couple of african names i was wondering how to say:
boys names
kayode and kirabo
girls names
abeni, zuri and malaika
dose any one know how to say them? thanks:)
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Kye-owed and Keeh-raahbow
girls' names Ahb-ben-knee, zoo-ree and Muh-like-uh
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Hello. I have a few ideas as to how to pronounce those names.
Kayode = kay-O-dee
Kirabo = KEER-a-bo
Abeni = a-BEAN-ee
Zuri = ZUR-ee
Malaika = mall-ai-EE-ka
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Well, I'm guessing. Kayode-(Kay-O-Dee or Coyote)
Kirabo-(Kare-A-Bo such as Carabou)
Abeni-(Abe-ni) like Abeknee
Malaika-(Malakai-a) I hoep that helps! I was just guessing!
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