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[Facts] meanings of (Tahoe, Marlin, Twins, Cobra, Mongoose, Sedna)
do any 1 know the meaning of any one of the words
Tahoe, Marlin, Twins, Cobra, Mongoose, Sedna
pl mail me to
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Click on MARLIN.
For twins, cobra and mongoose look in a dictionary... Look at twin for twins.
~~ Claire ~~
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Twin(s) - derived from the Middle English word 'twinn' meaning "twofold".
Cobra - short for the Portuguese 'cobra (de capello)' meaning "snake (with a hood)" derived from the Latin word 'colubra'.
Mongoose - derived from an Indic language word (Marathi 'mangus' meaning "mongoose")
Sedna - the Inuit goddess of the sea (I'm sorry but I can't find the etymology of this one.)I hope this helps:)
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