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[Facts] Re: Time for Fun: Equivocal, Politically-Incorrect and Inappropriate Names Contest!
Its pathetic when people name their kids so as to win political brownie-points!
In Greece, therfe are quite a few Lenins and Stalins, all born in the late 1940s of communists parents. Marxist-chic names abound in several former communist-bloc countries, including Vladilen/a (from Lenin), Titoslav/a, Titomir/a, Staljingradka, Komsomolka (Komsa), Ruska, Vjazma, Sutjeska, Neretva, Petoletka (five year plan), and pythonesque names such as Traktor/ka (sic!) as well as a -- hold on to your hats! -- an Aremenian name meaning "five year plan completed in four years." (check out :P
Traktor" in the height of proletarian aesthetic, as well as obsequious party adulators who named their twins Vladlen and Vladlena to earn socialist brownie-points Five-Year-Plan
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Oops! Forgive my editing disaster :P
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