[Opinions] Katriel
What do y'all think of the name Katriel? (kay-tree-el) i had never heard of it before until I saw it on a message board at babynames.com. they all seemed to have heard of it but it's new to me. i think it's really pretty.
I know a girl called Katri Elina, to me Katriel looks like a combination of those two names. nmsaa
Well, I loved it when I thought it was pronounced KAT-try-el or KAT-tree-el. I don't like the "Kay" sound though.
"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
never seen it but it sounds familiar...I like it when it's pronounced Kah-tree-ELLE...however, the speeling just looks wierd to me. it's nms, but the name is...wow, that's never happened to me.
Well, it is kind of pretty, but it looks like it should be pronounced KAH-triel - the KAY-triel pronunciation seems to really bring out the whole "made up from Kate + Ariel" aspect, to the point of tackiness (especially since the Kay syllable is fashionable and appears in many made-up and new-usage names).
It's not tacky to the point of unpleasantness, and doesn't lack dignity. It just seems a bit .. well, made up.
I'm now wondering what the heck I mean when I say that! Some invented names seem "invented" to me (like Callina), while others seem "made-up" .. I guess the difference is in how much I perceive the names to sound responsive to trends (Kay syllable, -en ending, etcetera); or whether they "just seem like" names I would've made up at 12 (made-up) or at 26 (invented). It's hard to pin down, but for whatever it's worth, Katriel prn Kate-triel sounds "made up" .. it's a "gut feeling," my totally irrational reaction.
If I met a young woman or a girl named Katriel I'd be unimpressed but I wouldn't dislike the name.
It's not tacky to the point of unpleasantness, and doesn't lack dignity. It just seems a bit .. well, made up.
I'm now wondering what the heck I mean when I say that! Some invented names seem "invented" to me (like Callina), while others seem "made-up" .. I guess the difference is in how much I perceive the names to sound responsive to trends (Kay syllable, -en ending, etcetera); or whether they "just seem like" names I would've made up at 12 (made-up) or at 26 (invented). It's hard to pin down, but for whatever it's worth, Katriel prn Kate-triel sounds "made up" .. it's a "gut feeling," my totally irrational reaction.
If I met a young woman or a girl named Katriel I'd be unimpressed but I wouldn't dislike the name.
Yes, the sound is pretty. Maybe I'm just getting old, but it seems like everyone is trying so hard to be different. All of these unusual names are starting to sound alike to me.
I'd have to vote "no" on this one since I have the sneaking suspicion that it is made up; a combinaiton of Katherine and Gabrielle? If not, then I would endorse it, with the proviso that it is paired with a more common middle name to anchor it.
I'd have to vote "no" on this one since I have the sneaking suspicion that it is made up; a combinaiton of Katherine and Gabrielle? If not, then I would endorse it, with the proviso that it is paired with a more common middle name to anchor it.
love this name
I haven't heard it before, reminds me of a combination between Kate and Ariel. It's OK--pretty, but I wouldn't use it, I think.
(insert something clever here)
(insert something clever here)
It's pretty. I don't think I'd ever use it though.
Chelsea Nicole (112 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (13) And my baby Taz (3 and 1/2 years old heeler mix - the cutest dog ever!)
6 days until my baby brother is 14!
Chelsea Nicole (112 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (13) And my baby Taz (3 and 1/2 years old heeler mix - the cutest dog ever!)
6 days until my baby brother is 14!
This message was edited 3/17/2005, 8:49 AM
I don't care for Kay or kate type names.