[Facts] girl name
gnadige frau
means superior german women
means superior german women
Perhaps you could post another, clearer message? I just don't know what you mean.
Gnaedige Frau is Dear Madam - the way you start a formal letter to a woman. She could be superior, inferior or Frau Average.
Gnaedige Frau is Dear Madam - the way you start a formal letter to a woman. She could be superior, inferior or Frau Average.
gnädige Frau
You wouldn't start a letter to a woman with "gnädige Frau" in Germany nowadays. It's VERY old fashioned!
You wouldn't start a letter to a woman with "gnädige Frau" in Germany nowadays. It's VERY old fashioned!
Thanks - then I'm showing my age! (Or my long-ago German teacher's age - I'm convinced she sailed with Noah!) But, equally, it's not anything to name a child with.
Right! Gnädige Frau definitely isn't a name at all!