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[Facts] PLEASE HELP! I have lost my creativity
Hi! I am writing a fanfiction story about Titanic and Jack and Rose and i have a little problem. I have come up with 3 characters wich i need names for:-First, I have decided that Rose will have a brother. He will be only about 2 years older than she. I thought it would be cool if Rose and her family would be Welsh (I have recently beenon vacation there and everything about it is SO cool!) So now, i need a Welsh boysname that would fit in with "Rose" and "DeWitt Bukater". It has to be quite a chique name too, obviously because they're from first class.-Second, I want Jack too have a sister. Jack is Irish (or so i have decided). What Irish girlsname would go well with "Jack" and"Dawson"?-And lastly, Jack and Rose will have a little baby daughter. What name (Irish and/or Welsh if possible) would be a nice girlsname that Jack and Rose would choose?Thanks very much in advance!
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How about Henry for the Bro., Brigette for the sis., and
Maurgarite for the daughter.
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Nora for the sister, Anthony for the brother and Gwen for the baby...
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Name the baby Venissa.............pleaseee
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LOL :)
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Here are some suggestions:Gaye Brioche
Hegira Boyce
Archie Bogey
Gaby Icehero
Rhea Gobyice
Bercy Hoegia
Rica Hebe-GoyAll are anagrams of "Iceberg Ahoy!"
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Decide when your characters were probably born, then look at the most popular names for that decade (on this site) and choose the one that you like best. Having done that, you could also try the Irish and Welsh lists as a cross check. Don't be hard on yourelf - anyone who spells chic as chique is highly creative.
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Also, consider the social status of Rose and Jack's families, as this was an important factor back in the late 19th century when Jack and Rose were born. The DeWitt Bukaters would hardly have chosen "Jack" for their son, and the Dawsons would probably have named their daughter something like Tilly or Molly...
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