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[Facts] @ Satu (or other people knowledgeable about Finnish names)
I've been reading the Kalevala, and I was just wondering if any of the names are currently used in Finland. Would it be really odd to meet someone named Väinämöinen? How about Kyllikki? Aino? Louhi?I love Finnish names...unfortunately most of them are nearly unpronounceable for English speakers. Or, like Louhi, have negative connotations. I like the way Louhi sounds, but ugh...what a character!~ Caitlín

"Blue tinted individuals who go about armed to the teeth and quoting twelfth-century poetry are not easy to comprehend." ~ Lloyd Alexander
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Hi Caitlín,Here are some statistics from Finland:Kyllikki:1940-59: 23638
1960-79: 4760
1980-99: 1314
2000-04: 143 Väinämöinen:1940-59: 7
1960-79: 4
1980-99: 2
2000-04: 0Aino:1940-59: 8973
1960-79: 1877
1980-99: 5683
2000-04: 3207 Louhi1940-59: 2
1960-79: 0
1980-99: 5
2000-04: 4Regards, Satu
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Kyllikki and Aino are still used in Finland; I don't know about Louhi. Väinö is used, but I've never heard of Väinömöinen!
(I live in Sweden)
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... and in neighbouring Estonia, these names exist and are still in use as: Külli, Küllike or Külliki; Aino (f) and Väino (m). No Louhi. I'm a Canadian-born Estonian who now lives in Estonia. Cheers!
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