[Opinions] Raine
I had never actually heard of this name until I saw it on this website. I don't really know whether I like it or not. WDYT of this name as I'd really like to hear your opinions on it. Thanks.
I like it, but I much prefer Rain.
I think it would be a nice middle name, but I'd never use it for a FN.
I dislike it.
I love it but prefer Rain.
- Kitty
- Kitty
It's the name of one of my favoruite musicians (Raine Maida from Our Lady Peace) so I have a special attachment to it. It has a nice sound, but I do prefere the "Rain" spelling, and for a boy.


This message was edited 2/14/2005, 9:59 AM
I met a baby girl named Rain yesterday (not sure of the spelling, though). It's a little hippy-ish/nature-y for me, but it's not awful.
I like Rain, but I'm not a big fan of Raine. I know it's a legitimate name, but it doesn't have the awesomeness that Rain does. (I prefer the name as a middle name, and I like it best on a boy, but it's pretty much sexless to me.)