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[Facts] Re: What's in a name?
in reply to a message by Jax
I am not to sure about the name Jaffa or any variant of the name. Sorry to say the first thing that came to mind when I said the name outloud was "laugha at Jaffa." (silly huh?)
I did though find the meaning and oragin of the name:{ Jafit }Hebrew: "beautiful" or "lovely." Variants are Jaffa, Jaffice (Hebrew)
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I knew that there was a city in Isreal with that name, but I would not consider it for my child. When I first heard the name, I thought about Jabba the hut or Java coffee. It sounds harsh for a female, but the meaning infers otherwise. I don't think that your fist thought was silly. I am on the same thought wave with you.
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