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[Facts] Middle name-for Mia
Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous message- the suggestions were great!!! My sis found one that she liked but now she doesnt know how to spell it!!! Which one do you like best?:Mia-Ashley
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Translation of full name?hey I know little bits and pieces of what my names mean but I was wonderin if anyone knows what my middle name means and/or what my full name means alltogether if thats possible. thanx very much!!Laura-Laurel or Victory Garland
Weiss-German for White or Wheat
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i like the one spelled ASHLEY.
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Erica, this is a site on the etymology and meaning of names, not!
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Mia Ashlie it flows easiest
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How about Mia Cara? In Italian it means "my dear one," but the names work by themselves as well.
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PSActually I may have the order wrong for the Italian phrase--it may be "cara mia" but the name still works well.
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Yes, I think it's Cara Mia, that's pretty, too.
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Mia Ashleigh I guess.......
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Mia Ashley, but not hypened
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