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[Facts] Desperately need help!!
I am looking for a picture of the Union Flag from the Civil War. I am helping a friend with a report her kids are doing and we can't find a picture anywhere. I need to be able to print it out in color, so if anyone can help me, I would definately appreciate it. The sooner the better. You can either e mail it to me at, or post it here. Thank you so much.Sarahjeanne
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Well I would have, but it was kind of a last minute thing we were throwing together at work.
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Don't be dissin Tink, Agata! Hey SJ, since this is off-topic, I sent ya e-mail...
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Thank, Davidh. I got it. It printed out on the color copier awesome! We're putting it on the poster board with the 35 star flag. It really helped alot, thanks again.Tinkerbell
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Ditto, thats minus 3 brownie points for Agata :P !
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LOL, I'm not dissin at all
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