Your name comes from the French Canadian Iroquois Indian tribe. My great great great grandmother was named Twishwina and over the years it changed to Tisheena and other spellings. It means Windwalker, and there is a movie out about it called Windwalker. Twishwina was an Indian Princess, and I am her decendant.
1. Make your own post next time--this isn't a Congressional bill and thus, there's no need for riders.
2. The shift key is your friend. So is the space bar, the period key. Use them. Additionally, pay a call to your friend Spelling--he's missed you and would like a visit.
3. Your name is probably simply a combination of the name Sheena with the prefix Ta-. It's a less-common prefix in comparison to La/Le/De, but it's the same sort of thing. You can click on Sheena for more info.
2. The shift key is your friend. So is the space bar, the period key. Use them. Additionally, pay a call to your friend Spelling--he's missed you and would like a visit.
3. Your name is probably simply a combination of the name Sheena with the prefix Ta-. It's a less-common prefix in comparison to La/Le/De, but it's the same sort of thing. You can click on Sheena for more info.