[Opinions] Annie, August, Chaz...
I'd like to know wdyt of this sib set:Anaïs Maeve "Annie" (Anais)
Zachary Rowan "Zack"
Gwenaëlle Rose "Gwen, Wendy" (Gwenaelle)
Charles Thompson "Chaz"
And also, wdyt of these names:
August Milo -I used to really dislike August, but I'm liking it a lot lately.
Larson Phoenix
Sullivan Thane
Jamison BlakeIreland Isabella
Lucy Genevieve
Thanks in advance!!!
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Anaïs Maeve "Annie"
Zachary Rowan "Zac"
Gwenaëlle Rose "Wendy"
Charles Thompson - Chaz is nmsaa, it's very townieI think Anais, Zac and Wendy go but Charles sticks out a bitAugust Milo - really cool, I prefer August over Augustus
Larson Phoenix - I like Phoenix but Larson makes me think of birds ...
Sullivan Thane - Monsters INC ruined Sullivan for me
Jamison Blake - I think this is horrbile, sorry. Jamison sounds like a butler and Blake is too trendy for me
Ireland Isabella - I dislike Ireland it's strictly a place name for me (like Devon, what's with that?) but the combo is nice and I love Isabella - I also like the double letter thing
Lucy Genevieve - Beautiful! alice x
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Anaïs Maeve "Annie" (Anais)
Zachary Rowan "Zack"
Gwenaëlle Rose "Gwen, Wendy" (Gwenaelle)
Charles Thompson "Chaz" Kind of mixed feelings on this. Zachary imo doesn't quite fit. Seems out of place. Out of all of them Anaïs Maeve is my favorite. As a set the other three work quite well. August Milo
Larson Phoenix
Sullivan Thane
Jamison BlakeAugust seems out of place to me there, but it's my favorite combination of the bunch. All the son/san sounds together kind of toss August out of the mix. I like Sullivan, Jamison and Blake, but I don't like the combinations. Thane makes me think of Macbeth in a bad way, Phoenix always seemed more creature-ish to me and Larson seems to surnamey. Milo and August are great names. :)Lucy Genevieve is really pretty.
Ireland I don't like as a name but Isabella I like.
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Anaïs Maeve "Annie" (Anais) - pretty
Zachary Rowan "Zack" - I like Rowan but Zachary is nms
Gwenaëlle Rose "Gwen, Wendy" (Gwenaelle) - pretty but I don't care for Wendy
Charles Thompson "Chaz" - nmsThere might be pronunciation issues with Anais and Gwenaelle. I really like Larson Phoenix, Sullivan Thane, and Jamison Blake. August is nice too but Milo is nms. I do like Miles or Myles though. Ireland Isabella - Ireland is nice but I don't really care for Isabella.Lucy Genevieve - I like Genevieve but Lucy is nms.
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Anaïs Maeve - I love Anaïs, its the name of a friend of mine, I dislike the nn Annie though. Maeve fits well with it.Gwenaëlle Rose - Gorgeous name! I dislike Wendy. Elle might work as a nn too.Isabella
GenevieveThe rest are nms.
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I think all names can work in siblings sets. I like:
Charles Milo (I prefer the spelling Mylo)Isabella
Lucy (I prefer Lucille with Lucy as a nickname)
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Anaïs Maeve "Annie" (Anais) - LOVE the nn Annie, not crazy about Anais; I'd probably use Annabel to get there, but the combo is nice
Zachary Rowan "Zack" - nice
Gwenaëlle Rose "Gwen, Wendy" (Gwenaelle) - nms
Charles Thompson "Chaz" - not bad; I prefer Charlie, but Chaz isn't bad either
And also, wdyt of these names:
August Milo - Love August and Milo, great combo
Larson Phoenix
Sullivan Thane
Larson and Sullivan are both too surnamey for my tastes, but the combo sounds nice together
Jamison Blake - nice; while Jamison is also surnamey, I've heard it enough and seen it enough that it seems to have lost some of its impersonalness (I totally agree with Chadza that surnames tend to be impersonal as first names, not very engaging)Ireland Isabella - nms
Lucy Genevieve - very nice
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