[Facts] Good news!!
Hey everybody, guess what?? I got a new job!! I interviewed on Wednesday and they gave me a job offer on Friday! I'm so excited! I know I have a computer, but I'm not sure if I'll have e mail or internet access yet, so we'll see. But I'm still really excited, it's an awesome company! I start a week from Monday, so I'll find out then if I can come back to BTN full time. :) Cross your fingers!
She, Nanaea Jr.
She, Nanaea Jr.
That's great, SJ!! What kinda work you gonna be doing? Tell us all about it!
Just a hint: Be sure to find out what the company's official policy is on personal e-mail or use of the Internet before you start typin' away. Some companies are very strict on this these days. (For one thing, it's seen as lowering productivity and possibly corrupting the company system with viruses or worms.)
Our company's a great place to work, but people have lost their jobs there due to personal computer use. Even as a middle manager, I had to go thru a lotta red tape to get Internet access, and it's all electronically monitored to be sure it's "business" use. (And ya know what? They're fully within their rights.)
Good luck in the new job,
Just a hint: Be sure to find out what the company's official policy is on personal e-mail or use of the Internet before you start typin' away. Some companies are very strict on this these days. (For one thing, it's seen as lowering productivity and possibly corrupting the company system with viruses or worms.)
Our company's a great place to work, but people have lost their jobs there due to personal computer use. Even as a middle manager, I had to go thru a lotta red tape to get Internet access, and it's all electronically monitored to be sure it's "business" use. (And ya know what? They're fully within their rights.)
Good luck in the new job,