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[Facts] Hi, I'm new...
...But not new to the net :) I've just found out that my given name, Teresa, is anagram of Easter... Lordy, it's only taken me 36 years to find that out! Anyway, just wanted to say that I've been reading a few posts [as many as I have time for, boy are there loads!] and you seem like a fun bunch. I'll try not to be scared off by some of the responses I've seen to questions and stuff here, I'm sure you're all very nice. But DON'T be mean to ME, okay?!?! *evil grin* I write a lot, always needing names, so I'll be here often ~ thought I may as well introduce myself. I'm from Plymouth, btw. Anyone else from my neck of the woods out here?
Terri. [The Talespinner]
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Hi Terri..I'm really new too (2 months). I started out pretty cautiously, but no one's been mean to me yet, so I'm getting braver. I'm from the west coast of Vancouver Island and, oh yeah, I'm Mike C's mom. (maybe that's why no one's been mean to me)
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Wow :) You deserve a "Mom of the Millennium Award: :)))
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Gee thanks, Pavlos :)) Oh, Mike C.......I hope you keep that in mind when you're shopping for Christmas! ;)
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Oh my goodness!I don't think anyone here knew you were Mike's Mom! Well, I didn't, anyway. No wonder you're so cool! :)I seem to recall Mike mentioning to me that you're a librarian -- or did I imagine that?Anyway, a belated welcome to you! :) :) :)-- Nanaea
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Wow! thanks, Nanaea! :)I'm honoured! I'm not a real librarian (my degree was actually in mathematics) but I work part-time in our tiny (1 staff at a time) branch of the Regional Library which covers most of Vancouver Island.I also work as a teaching assistant in our elementary school. I started checking out Mike's message board a couple of months ago when he passed on his old computer to us, replacing our archaic, internet-useless one. The board was so fascinating that I just couldn't help piping up from time to time! I'm amazed at the wealth of knowledge that some of you regulars have. I love your humour and the way you defend the site!
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Hi, there from a fellow teaching assistant in Milwaukee. :wave:Concerning you not being a real librarian, just because you don't have the sheepskin in Information/Library Science doesn't preclude you from being a library assistant (my mother was one herself back in 1973-1976 and helped start up/run the tiny library she helped found), and as Nanaea would probably tell you, a library couldn't run without the LAs. Heck, when I was able to get over to the tiny library where I grew up (a suburb of Pittsburgh), I used to help them out, too (I started at the age of 7 and continued until I was 10). I also helped in the elementary school library (spent quite a bit of time with books. ;) ).Bud blagosloven (blessed be in Russian/Ukrainian)
Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Good to meet you Phyllis.....I know us unqualified librarians are important, I just sometimes wish I'd chosen that field of study. I see you & I have three things in common...library experience, teaching assistant work and btn!
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Reciprocated. :)We have more in common, but I'll leave it at that. *tail lashing back and forth while reaching for a bite of tuna salad.*Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Hmmm....Tail lashing......tuna salad....Ah, I've got it! You too were a cat in your previous lifetime? Or perhaps you too live in a household ruled without mercy by at least one cat? (Three in my case)
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I was "raised" by cats and I have to visit the Humane Society within the next 2 months for a prescription refill (Shadow Kibblesbane, my last feline companion, is now in the feline version of the Summerlands. Kidney failure and uncontrolled diabetes. He was two or three years older than either the people at the Humane Society or I thought. :shrug:). I probably was a feline in a previous life (if I was reincarnated, but I don't know one way or another.) :)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Sadly, our last cat, Genelle, met the same fate as Shadow Kibblesbane.Nimbo moved in shortly afterwards, followed by our little black beach orphan, Oliver. A few years later a big stray bruiser, Bruno, knocked on our door and took over, much to Nimbo's dismay. The three of them have more or less worked things out now....the tufts of cat fur in the air seem to be settling.
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So sorry to hear of Shadow Kibblesbane's passing, Phyllis. He sounded like a fine cat.On a cheerier note... Here are some anagram aliases for Barb's crew:Nimbo C. = Bebop McMillan
Bruno C. = Burnell Mobcap
Oliver C. = Belloc Primeval-- Nanaea
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Thanks for the cat anagrams, Nanaea. Nimbo is especially pleased with his new upbeat name! :)
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You're welcome! Actually, I can picture Mike calling himself "Bebop McMillan". :)
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A degree in mathematics, eh? No wonder Mike is so smart -- he's got a smart mom. :)-- Nanaea
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aw shucks, you're too kind (blush) ;)
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Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself Terri and welcome our playground :)
You seem like a good sport, so please try dont get scared off by what the Anagram Oracle has to say -
"Terri, the Talespinner" =
- Inherent reptile star
- Inherent leper artist
- Serpentine Hitler rat
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Welcome, Terri!Eh, you sound cool. Ain't nobody gonna be mean to you. :)I once visited the Plymouth Plantation Museum out your way, but that's about my whole 'sperience with Plymouth.-- Nanaea
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I think Terri is from Plymouth, UK, not Plymouth Massachusetts :P
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Hi, guys and thanks for the welcome :) I am indeed, from Plymouth, England. To be truthful I wasn't too sure if this was an International board [*duh*] so I didn't want to sound like a dork and say "*yoo hooo* I'm from all the way over here" if you lot were just up the road! *lmao*
Okay, well thanks again, and thanks for those anagrams - I think!! *lol*
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Yep, this is pretty much an international board. Pavlos is posting from Greece, btw. :)-- Nanaea
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I think you're right. :)
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