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[Facts] I need advice
I am a Chinese. I named my son Patrick. I am living in Massachusetts. Does anyone know if this is a good choose?When I told people what his name is, people all say it is an Irish name, some of them I can tell tried to laugh.I need advice. Any information will be appreciated.Thanks!
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ThanksI would like to thank all of you for your support! You let me know what the real American is. It is a great country! You made me feel good that I did choose a great name for my son. Patrick, I love it!Thanks and wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
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On the etymology of PatrickI agree with Nanaea and Andrea. Patrick is a wonderful name, so ignore the peanut gallery. As Mike C's notes, Patrick is derived from the Latin *Patricius*, designating a class of nobility. Let me add that Patricius itself is derived from the Greek *patrikos* meaning "hereditary" (see Liddell-Scott Greek-English Lexicon) which in turn is derived from *pater* (father). At the time, the title of Patrician was in fact hereditary.
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What kinda advice do you need? How to blow off the comments of imbeciles?
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Thanks for post your response!I did not know much about the America culture. I do not like people to make fun of my son because of the name. So, if anyone know there is something that may be an issue, I would like to hear that.Thanks!
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No, your child's name is not an "issue" -- don't worry about it.Next time someone makes fun of your child's name, just tell 'im: "I can see you're very class conscious -- you have no class, and everyone is conscious of it."-- Nanaea
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Patrick is a fine American-sounding name. It has a good image. The problem is a few stupid people. Don't worry. You picked a good name.:)
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Andrea!! Please come back to the other board at once!! It's critical!!I am desperate for your help and am waiting anxiously!!BTW... I like the name Patrick a lot. What part of Massachusetts do you live in?
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Thanks for your response.I am living in Boston area.
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Oops. Sorry, Karen!:/
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