Profile for sarah lee

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Member since April 14, 2006

Favorite Names
Rosemary June
Bridget AnnabelHarry Patrick
Joshua Lennon
Adam Wesley
Morgan Elijah Favorite Names not in database
Morrison (girl or boy)
Salem (girl)
Wednesday (girl)
Ringo (girl)My Punctuation Pet!?: Elsa Willow
.: Paul Avery
&&: Camilla Louisa and Jenelle Aurelia
**: Jameson Mark and Caspian Thomas
@: Jimmy Frank
!!!: Natalia, Eleanore, and Felix
*: Theodore "Theo"
&&&&: Windsor, William, Adelheid, and Aedan
**: Rowan and Cathryn
*: Nazareth Bradley
!!!: Harrison Westley, Lucas Benji , Tabitha Arabella
!!: Guinevere Felicty Veronica Persephone

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